Amazon Seller Account Suspended: Suspension Types, Factors Responsible & How To Recover Your Account

The last update or notification you need as an Amazon seller is that your account has been suspended. When this happens, it means you have violated one or more policies and have now lost selling privileges. 

A suspension can come after a warning, several ones, or without one. During this period, buyers or customers cannot patronize you because your listings are no longer visible. 

Fortunately, Amazon notifies sellers about account suspension. This way, you can plan a compelling appeal and possibly reinstate your account. However, not all suspensions can be appealed. 

This guide discusses the reasons for Amazon seller account suspension or deactivation, how to reinstate it, and how long the process takes. But first, let’s see the types of suspension Amazon can place on a seller account. 

Levels of Suspension For An Amazon Seller Account


Your seller account can be suspended in 3 ways: suspension, deactivation, or ban. Let’s see what each category entails: 

1. Suspension

When a seller account is suspended, it means it is temporarily restricted by Amazon. In other words, your account will be rendered unserviceable until you contact Amazon to know the reason(s) for the suspension. 

In most cases, the violation is trivial and can be resolved. Hence, appealing a suspension and getting your account reinstated is fairly easy. 

2. Deactivation 

This is more severe than a suspension. Deactivation means your Amazon seller account has been permanently closed by Amazon due to violating a serious policy. For instance, your account may be deactivated if they are caught manipulating reviews. 

While most Amazon deactivation emails come with a provision for appeal, it would need to be super convincing for your account to be reinstated. Please note that failure to keep to the promises in your appeal may also result in a ban. 

3. Ban 

In most cases, this marks the end of an Amazon seller account. Amazon will only ban you if you violate a serious policy once or multiple times. A ban means you can no longer sell on Amazon, and there will be no room for an appeal.

Why Was Your Seller Account Suspended? 

While it is common for sellers to think their Amazon account was suspended for no reason, here are 8 factors that may be responsible:

1. Poor performance

Amazon expects a level of performance from new and existing sellers. For instance, you must keep a low Amazon order defect rate (less than 1%) to avoid suspension. Amazon also has other metrics for evaluating a seller’s performance. 

The Seller Central (dashboard for sellers) features a performance target score you need to maintain. Failure to keep up with this score monthly may revoke your eligibility as an Amazon seller.

2. Sale of substandard or prohibited products 

Sellers also risk suspension or deactivation when they sell counterfeit or prohibited products. Selling substandard items will earn you negative reviews, and since Amazon is about customer satisfaction, you may be warned or suspended. 

On the other hand, selling prohibited items like alcohol, currency, tobacco, explosives, and coins is an easy way to get a strike or get banned from Amazon.

3. Creating multiple accounts without permission

Creating multiple seller accounts when you can only have one is another policy violation that results in a suspension. The appropriate way to do this is to seek permission from Amazon. 

In your email, state why you need more than one seller account and wait for approval. You should only proceed if you get approval. Creating a new seller account immediately after you have faced a suspension is also not advisable, especially in the middle of an appeal. 

They will match up your data and close the new account, making the old one much more difficult to reinstate. It is also not advisable to create a new seller after a suspension. Amazon will not approve such an account and may ban you indefinitely. 

4. Infringements and copyright violations 

Copyright infringements are a big deal for Amazon. As a seller, you can not use fake trademarks or plagiarize another seller’s product description because you sell the same. Amazon will suspend you once it discovers any infringement. 

5. Manipulating reviews 

Sellers who engage in unethical practices like buying positive reviews or creating several buyer accounts to influence reviews also get suspended once discovered. These actions undermine the trust and core values of Amazon and are misleading. 

In severe cases, Amazon will deactivate your account. 

6. Billing information error 

Amazon may temporarily discontinue your seller account if it suspects any billing information discrepancy. This is common when sellers try to update their bank details and fail to provide additional information to prove ownership. 

You can easily appeal this type of suspension since its motive is usually to protect the seller from fraud. 

7. Not uploading complete invoices 

Amazon expects you to generate an invoice for every customer or buyer immediately after their item ships. Failure to meet this expectation or any act of manipulation is usually treated as a warning for first-time offenders. 

A repeat or an invoice defect rate above 5% may prompt Amazon to suspend or ban your seller account.

8. Technical glitches 

Account suspension due to a technical glitch is rare but not impossible. This may be a case of mistaken identity or any random. Reinstating such an account is usually very straightforward if you have all the necessary documents. 

How to Recover a Suspended Amazon Seller Account 


The only way to recover a suspended Amazon seller account is to appeal. Creating a winning or convincing appeal requires patience and taking the right steps. First, you need to go through the suspension notice to know the reason(s) behind your suspension. 

You can do this by clicking the “Report” tab on the Seller Central dashboard and selecting “Performance” from the drop-down. Open and read the suspension notification, and prepare to create a compelling Plan of Action (POA). Your POA must be: 

  • Comprehensive 
  • Concise (use bullets)
  • Provide a clear reason(s) for Amazon to lift the suspension 
  • Highlight steps you are willing to take to ensure improvement (express your eagerness to improve)
  • Include evidence where necessary
  • Follow Amazon’s guidelines (if you are provided with one) 

Once your appeal is ready, contact Amazon’s Seller Performance Team by returning to the “Performance” tab on your Seller Central account. You will likely see an appeal button in the suspension notice. Click it and choose a preferred mode of appeal. 

Alternatively, you can reply to their suspension email with your POA if you can not access your seller account. Amazon will be willing to give you another chance if your appeal is convincing. 

How Long Does It Take For Amazon to Reactivate Seller Account?

Amazon does not have a fixed time for responding to an appeal or a plan of action. You may need to wait a few days or several weeks to reactivate your seller account if your appeal is successful. 


Can multiple people use the same Amazon seller account?

You can only add or grant multiple users access to your seller account. You cannot transfer it completely. 

Can you sell the same product as someone else on Amazon?

It is legal if there are no copyright infringements or plagiarisms for the product. 

How much money can you make as an Amazon seller?

On average, most sellers make about $1000 monthly. 

Conclusion: Staying Safe As An Amazon Seller 

It all comes down to obeying and staying updated on Amazon’s terms and conditions. Practical steps you can take include: 

  • Maintain a good customer experience 
  • Avoid significant fulfillment errors 
  • Maintain a healthy Inventory Performance Index (IPI)
  • Enjoy consistent orders and returning customers 

Lastly, ensure you sound professional and willing to improve when creating your appeal if you want it restored. 

I hope you found this guide helpful. For Flex drivers, here is what to do if your Amazon Flex account is deactivated

Thanks for reading.