Returns are one of the inevitable features of buying and selling. While the process can sometimes be frustrating and time-consuming, Walmart offers a flexible return policy. However, this policy strongly supports returning products within permissible hours.
Most items sold at Walmart have a 90-day return window. Beyond that, the store operates return hours between 7 am to 11 pm every business day. If a product does not meet your expectations, you should return it before both windows close.
This guide discusses Walmart return hours, how the process works, and how you can potentially speed it up. You will also learn about after-hours returns and how to go about them.
Walmart Return Hours Basics
Walmart’s return policy ensures customer satisfaction should a product not meet your expectations. You can return such an item to any Walmart store within 90 days between 7 am and 11 pm on weekdays.
However, during weekends, some stores do not open until 8 am. Some also close as early as 10 pm. Additionally, in-store and online purchase returns should be addressed to the customer service desk near the store’s front.
Products such as drones and medication may not be eligible for returns.
Walmart Return Process

Returning an item follows a simple process: going to any Walmart physical store and releasing it to a customer service representative. After dropping the package, clarify your intention — a replacement or refund.
Both actions require going with the original packaging and receipt for the package within the warranty period. For example, Walmart expects customers to return mobile phones and software within 14 days of purchase.
On the other hand, perishable items are not acceptable due to health safety policies.
Does Walmart Accept After-Hour Returns?
It is possible not to have the time to return a product to Walmart during regular operating hours. If you find yourself in this position, an after-hour drop box is what you should target.
While the process for after-hours drops or returns varies by location and store, most drop boxes are usually placed outside the store. Drop your package in this box alongside the return label and await further communication from Walmart.
Tips to Speed Up Walmart Return Process
1. Understand the return policy
Before returning an item, it is essential to understand Walmart’s return policy. This helps you know what to expect and what is expected of you during the entire process.
2. Go with the receipt
Keeping the receipt of any item is very important. Walmart’s customer service representative will request it before processing a replacement or refund (and store credits) for you.
3. Print and go with the appropriate return label
When returning an online purchase, it is essential to print a return label. If it is not already in the package, you can request this label (with a barcode) to be sent to you via email. Barcodes make it easier for Walmart staff to confirm the status of your package before accepting it.
4. Have original packaging
Dropping an item with its original packaging is what Walmart staff like to see. This helps them easily assess the product for missing parts or damage.
5. Use the Walmart app
Starting a return process via the Walmart app is the easiest way to go about returns. It helps you scan the package into their system and create a digital record from the comfort of your home.
With this existing record, physical returns are processed faster, and you should get a new item or refund faster than those just starting the process.
Does Walmart do returns on weekends?
Walmart accepts returns on weekends between 7 am to 11 pm.
How fast do Walmart refunds take?
Walmart refunds customers for returns within 5 to 7 business days (except on holidays).
Does Walmart refund cash?
Cash refund only applies to products purchased with cash. In other words, your mode of payment determines the mode of refund.
Walmart offers an impressive 90-day return window for most of its items. However, when returning these products, you should visit between 7 am to 11 pm, which is the ideal return hours for Walmart.
For after-hour returns, you must drop the package in the after-hour box or visit the store earlier the next day. Other tips to speed up the process include going with your receipt, return label, and original packaging.
You can also use the Walmart app to scan and register your package for return. Once the package is in the store’s system, exchange or refund, enjoy faster processing.
I hope you found this guide helpful. You can also confirm if Walmart accepts EBT for purchase and delivery.
Thanks for reading.