Here’s How To Register A New Address With The Post Office Online Or In Person

Once you move to a new address, one of the most critical steps is registering it with the post office. You don’t want your mail sent to the new occupants of your old address.

There are two ways to register a new address with the post office. The first is online through the USPS website, and the other is in person at the local post office near you.

This article will give a step-by-step guide on registering a new address with the post office. I will also answer questions related to this topic. So, let us dive right in.

How to register a new address with the post office

You have two options if you wish to notify the post office or the USPS that you have changed your address. The first being online and the other in person. They are both straightforward, although one is free and the other costs a little.

How to register a new address with the post office online

This is the fastest and easiest way to register a new address, but it is not free. You will need to pay a small charge of $1.10, which is known as the identity verification fee.

This is done to verify that you are trying to register the new address. Note that this $1.10 customer identity verification fee is nonrefundable.

To register the new address with the post office, simply log into the USPS site. Afterward, head to the moving section and input the appropriate information.

You will need a valid credit card and an email address to pay the verification fees. After completing the process, you will receive a confirmation email from USPS.

How to register a new address with the post office in person

Registering a new address in person is also very easy. All you need to do is visit the post office in particular.

Once you arrive at the post office, speak to any of the clerks about getting the mover’s guide packet. This packet should contain a form known as PS Form 3575.

You will need to appropriately fill out this PS Form 3575 and hand it to the postal worker behind the counter. After submitting this form, you will receive a confirmation letter at the new address you registered at in 5 business days.


What if you were charged $1.10 more than once?

If you were charged more than once, you would need to dispute the charge with your credit card company.

How long does it take the post office to recognize a new address?

Generally, it takes around 5–10 working days after the address is registered. However, some post offices might take up to two weeks to recognize the new address.

How much does it take to register a new address?

It is completely free. You will only be required to pay the customer verification fee when the online method is used.


Registering a new address with the post office is a very straightforward process. You can do it online through the website or in person at the local post office.

The online process is said to be the fastest and easiest but might incur a small verification fee of $1.10. The in-person method on the other hand is completely free, but you will need to go to the post office to complete the process.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article. After registering your new address, you will need to set up informed delivery for that address. You should also see how to set up informed delivery for your new address.

Thanks for reading.