How To Become An Amazon Product Tester: 4 Proven Ways, Rewards To Expect & Avoiding Scam Websites

Buying new products on Amazon and reviewing them for the public are the basics of being an Amazon Product tester. It can be rewarding, especially if you are a frequent shopper. However, you need to know how to become one. 

There are four ways you can become an Amazon Product tester. They include being invited to Amazon Vine, joining third-party reviewer sites, Amazon associates, and influencer marketing. 

Moving forward, I will explain what an Amazon Product Tester is, how you can become one, and the benefits of such a decision. You will also discover tips and tricks to attain better visibility as a product tester and how to spot scam websites. 

What is an Amazon Product Tester?


Amazon Product Testers are approved individuals (regular shoppers or influencers) who test items sold on Amazon and leave a review. While they do this for a fee, discounts, or freebies, they remain crucial to customer experience on Amazon. 

Thanks to a tester, customers can easily decide which brand to target in terms of quality and affordability. This results in a revenue boost for Amazon and third-party retailers for products with positive feedback. 

How to Become An Amazon Product Tester 

There are 4 pathways to becoming an Amazon product tester. Only one allows you to leave official reviews on Amazon. Others depend on third-party websites. Let’s get started: 

1. Amazon Vine 

Amazon Vine is Amazon’s official program for product reviews. It is an invite-only program where Amazon selects customers who consistently leave high-value and detailed reviews. Once invited, you become a “Vine Voice,” (an official Amazon product tester.)

With this status, you can order new and pre-release products for free and rate your experience with the product. This is the major perk of becoming a Vine Voice as Amazon does not pay product testers in cash.

In addition, your reviews will feature a special badge that signifies that you are a trusted Amazon product tester. Another perk of being a Vine Voice is that Amazon will keep sending you free products if you continue to provide honest reviews.

In other words, your feedback does not need to be positive always. Becoming a Vine Voice is a 50-50 bet. However, if you shop and leave detailed reviews on Amazon regularly, you have a higher chance of being invited. 

2. Amazon reviewer sites 

While waiting for an Amazon Vine invite, you can still become a product tester for Amazon products by joining third-party or reviewer websites. These sites allow you to leave a review in exchange for a free or discounted product. Popular ones you can target are: 


Vipon provides customers with about 150 promo (discount) codes monthly. Since these promotions are on a first-come, first-served basis, only proactive and regular shoppers can enjoy this discount and leave a review. 


This rebate website provides up to 100% cashback on products purchased on Amazon, Etsy, and Walmart. Why pay for the actual price of an item on Amazon and leave a review later when you can do the same on Rebaid at a discount price? 

Please note that your rebate payment will only be reflected in your account within 7 to 14 days. In addition, you can only enjoy 10 rebate payments within your first month of registration. 


Snagshout also connects product testers with Amazon retailers by offering cashback and discount codes for thousands of products. However, you are limited to just buying just 2 products daily. 

You will receive rebate payments in your Snagshout wallet within 35 days after order confirmation. Ensure you leave a detailed review for every purchase to stand a chance of being recognized by other customers or Amazon. 


TestZon is another review site that offers coupons on different items. Once an item you are about to purchase features a discount, checkout and leave feedback later. 

Other reviewer sites like the ones above include: 

  • Jump Send 
  • VIP Power Club 
  • Home Product Testing

The good thing about choosing a third-party website to become an Amazon product tester is that it allows retailers to gather feedback before releasing a product. You should also note that Amazon does not regulate these websites. Hence, they may feature fraudulent retailers. 

3. Amazon Associates 

Joining the Amazon official affiliate program is another official route to becoming a product tester. However, this method requires a third party like a website, blog, app, or social media account. Here is how to get started: 

  • Sign up for the Amazon Affiliate program and receive your unique ID 
  • Create an affiliate link in your portal and place those links strategically in your blog or social media posts 
  • Once a customer reads your review and clicks on these links to make a purchase, you will receive a commission. 

Unlike the previous methods, this pathway to becoming an Amazon product tester pays cash. Your earnings will be paid 60 days after the commission is approved. Lastly and to be more effective, I would advise you to recommend only products you have used. 

4. Become an influencer 


Influencers or renowned personalities find it easy to become an Amazon product tester because they already have a large audience or followers. If you are not one or just a regular customer, you can build your way to fame by providing genuine and detailed reviews.

You can do this in 2 ways:

Join the Amazon Influencer Program 

This program is designed for influencers or customers with an online presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. You only need to sign up to get a unique ID and include promotion links in your review posts. 

While the entire concept of becoming a product tester via this program is similar to that of the Amazon affiliate, there are minor distinctions. For instance, the influencer program provides marketing plugins and a personalized dashboard.

This makes it easy for you to stay updated with the performance of your posts. 

Share reviews on social media 

You can also be direct if you do not want to sign up for the Amazon Influencer Program. In this case, you only need to buy Amazon products and recommend them via posts or videos based on your experience on social media.

If your reviews are very genuine, brands may compensate you with endorsements. You can search for other influencer networks like YouTube, BrandConnect and Upfluence to connect with brands that align with your niche. 

Does Amazon Pay Product Testers?

From the proven methods discussed, it is safe to say only a handful of websites or programs will pay you money as an Amazon product tester. In most cases, the bait is a free or discounted product, and it is usually optional to leave feedback. 

However, you can earn cash from programs like Amazon associates and endorsements. These channels pay via commissions and can pay up to a few hundred dollars monthly or more. 

Tips and Tricks to Boost Your Ranking as an Amazon Reviewer

Some of the tips and tricks you need to be picked by Amazon Vine or become a top product reviewer on Amazon or third-party websites include: 

  1. Write a detailed and informative review based on your personal experience. Include images and videos for better understanding. 
  2. Ensure you focus on products you are familiar with and include what consumers want to know (pros and cons) about such products. 
  3. Use a professional tone when explaining the pros and cons of a product. 
  4. End by giving your recommendation. Amazon does not care whether it is positive or negative. It just wants the best for its customers. 

How to Spot and Avoid Scam Amazon Product Tester Websites 

amazon-reviewer-sites-you-can join-Threaller

In your pursuit to become an Amazon product tester, you need to play it safe and only sign up for reviewer websites or platforms that will protect your information. Below are some of the characteristics of a scam product review website: 

1. They hawk testing jobs 

Amazon and other legitimate third-party review websites rarely advertise their platform to customers. When they do, it is always targeted at the public. One of the primary signs of a scam is when you receive a private invite to join a reviewer site. 

2. Their offer is too good to be true 

When you receive such an invite or message, the offers are mostly too good to be true. For instance, they may promise you high-end products for free or at a massive discount for reviews. 

They may also promise to pay you huge cash for reviews. The end game here is to entice and get you to sign up. 

3. Strange and unsecured URL 

Another common sign is an unusual URL. Ensure you check the URL of the website you are about to join for errors and inconsistencies. 

Reputable product testing sites invest in professional domain names and secure or encrypted connections (https://). Websites that begin with (http://) are usually not secure and may expose your personal information to hackers. 

4. Constant pressure 

Legitimate product testing websites will not pressure you or use time-sensitive offers to speed up your decision. This is a manipulation tactic employed by scammers.

5. Wack website design 

Legitimate reviewer websites also invest in professional website design. You will hardly find grammatical errors or lack of essential information like address, support email, and privacy policies and terms of service. 

If the site you are about to join looks inferior, invest more time in researching it before signing up. 

6. Upfront payment 

Some scam product testing websites may also request you pay a certain fee to become a product tester. This is usually a scam because most legitimate testing programs do not request upfront payment. 

7. Fake reviews or testimonials 

Scam websites also display fake positive and generic testimonials. They make this page the center of attraction for their websites. Whenever you see such, vet such a website properly before signing up. 

8. No clear information about the products 

Lastly, avoid reviewer websites that lack detailed information about their products. Carry out thorough research before joining because it may be a scam. 


What are the requirements to be a product tester?

Overall, there are no fixed requirements to becoming a product tester. Amazon may invite you, or you may need to join third-party reviewer sites to begin the process. 

How old do you have to be to become a product tester?

At least 18 years old. 

Is being a product tester legit?

Yes, it is a legitimate way to make money from home if you sign up or get invited by reputable companies or an endorsement. 

The Bottom Line

Becoming an Amazon product tester is worth it. You can become one and work from home or test products during your free hours (as a side gig). What matters most is choosing what works best for you. 

For instance, if you would like to earn money from being a product tester, you should target the Amazon associate program and reviewer sites that pay. Social media can also help you make money, especially if you land an endorsement. 

On the other hand, if your primary interest is getting free products or new products at a discount, Amazon Vine and sharing social media reviews is the way to go. 

I hope you found this guide helpful. For further reading, kindly see how to locate used-acceptable items on Amazon and enjoy massive discounts

Thanks for reading.